
Interview with Westbam

Published in Domination Paper Edition
Performed by Duke

LEGEND remains a legend.. But will they be back - again? Whatever happened to Legend? They came, they saw, but then instead of conquering - which they proclaimed they would do - they completely disappeared. Leader of Legend, Westbam, disappeared rather, and not the other members. They just decided to leave the group. The dust has settled, and now Westbam is back. We caught up with him and claimed an exclusive interview with perhaps the only man, who really knows the truth behind the Legend downfall.

Greetings, Michael. It's good to see you once again walk the surface of the scene again. Where the heck have you been? :)

I had some pretty hard weeks (more likely months) in enlarging my company. Took more time than expected.

Alright. Let's back up things a bit and look back at the days when Legend made the comeback with the release of a couple of games. Tell me about those releases, and the problems that came with it - the criticism, etc.

Well, the comeback had been announced long before it even took place. Probably a fault, who knows? People got kinda shaky and thought we might blow. However, the originals we had (and have!) were there but it took much longer to get the group in shape than Ben (Powerplant) and me thought. When we started up, things worked out quite smooth until the whole Re-Release discussion in the scene started. Everyone and his brother accused everyone (..and his brother) Also Legend had been accused from some sides (of course..). However, excuses from several groups had been accepted while other proves or excuses haven’t. Although I clearly stated to several magazine related persons the legality of our releases, some people did not really care... Whatever. The whole mess started then with my disappearance I suppose. Kind of a bad time, true. But to be honest my company is more important than some homos trying to insult me on the internet.. To get this straight, I don’t give a shit if people accuse each other for re-releasing, I just don’t see a point taking part in this game..

When you disappeared from the surface of the scene, members suddenly started leaving one after the other. Did you have a chance to talk to them before they left, or did they just leave?

Well, these people left without notifying me. But Midfit is an exception. He tried to get in touch with me and he wants to continue with Legend now after I returned. I talked to XXX and he told me he doesn’t want to deal with this bullshit under such circumstances. From what I know Ramirez and Shocker left the group as they thought I would cheat on them, trying to make them look stupid. Very strange considering I’d use the name Legend to make them look stupid. Very strange considering I’d use the name Legend to make THEM look stupid, the group name I worked for several years on different systems being responsible what Legend was is, will be etc...

So what you are saying is that Legend is STILL alive and that you are considering continuing on the C64?

Well, at this present time, Legend is still alive, yes. During my absent time games have still been delivered and cracked. I have some inside shit already again. Also Powerplant still wants to do this for another while... I cannot really say for sure but at least we had planned on releasing the inside stuff we still have..

Will we perhaps be able to see Powerplant cracking games again - or will Midfit once again lead the way as the main cracker?

Well, Ben has cracked two games. And Midfit has just fixed another one..

Well, that sounds very promising. Do you have an overview of who is still in Legend, today?

Right now? Ben , Uncle D , Fletch , me and a supplier who remains silent right now..

Well, Legend has never really been famed for having A LOT of members, anyway - now, have they? Hehe. Second to None is still home of Legend, of course also shared with Propaganda. What do you have planned for that site - if anything?

We will install the new QCBBS module most likely. I also will talk to Newscopy again to see what we could do about the board..

How come the main page has not been updated after the web board went online? It still has test text on it. Hehe

Well, the QCBBS module running is a beta module. This has been finished while operating STN. Now we have almost finished a brand new version of QCBBS which is more flexible and easier to use..

That sounds very promising. So basically you're very optimistic about the future of Legend on the C64 - and are ready to get back into business after a turbulent beginning?

Well, we will spend some of our free time on this addictive machine again, yeah. But I have two legal 64 projects running as well so I’d be related to the 64 anyhow..

Well, it's good to have you back in business regardless what your critics say, hehe. Do you by chance have any last comment, you wish to add before we close the book on this interview?

Yep, I don't see any critics considering these so-called critics never had the balls to speak to me, they just yell behind my back.... Great guys I might add... Oh btw, GENE, good luck with FLT... hehe...

Alright. Thank you for your time and much luck with your projects - hope Legend will get into a good period, like you deserve. :)

Hey thanks for paying attention. I wish you good luck with your magazine, your other projects etc. We keep in touch man...
